The search for identity through tales of life ... both imagined and not.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Welcome to The Modern-Day Renaissance Woman blog,
aka MDRW! As opposed to my other blogs, Creative Codependence
and The Interdependent
Life, MDRW will not only celebrate my (soon-to-be) book publishing career
but will shamelessly (and endlessly) promote my work.
You have
been forewarned.
Besides being
the inauguration of my newest blog, October 11 is also the day I submit my
manuscript, Notes from the Bottom of the
Box: The Search for Identity by a Modern-Day Renaissance Woman, to the
first (and hopefully last) literary agent.
So, in
honour of my new manuscript, stay tuned for weekly excerpts to entice and entertain.
And as publishers like authors to be self-motivated marketing geniuses, be sure
to like my
FacePage. Uhhh… glowing reviews wouldn’t hurt either.
To begin,
may I share my proposed book flap?
Drum roll
Inspired by a three-year sojourn as a big box
cashier (hence known as the Big Box), Notes from the Bottom of the Box
is a collection of semi-independent stories woven together with the universal themes
of identity, self-worth and self-acceptance. A journey through many of my forty plus jobs, this memoir is
at times funny, poignant, and soul-searching as I explore the past in an effort
to find meaning and value in who I am, and ultimately, who we all are in this
interconnected web of life. The book concludes with the discovery that
self-worth lies in “being”—not doing—and, on a more humorous note, that finding
oneself in mid-life
wearing a foolish-looking work uniform is not such a bad plight.
Notes from the Bottom of the Box begins on a whimsical note with the interview
process, where perceived identity meets reality—haven’t we all stretched the
truth just a little in these impromptu therapy sessions?—and then winds its way
through the mean streets of delivery service, the perils of telephone
soliciting and the adventure-laced halls of hospital basements. From that
inglorious inauguration into the working world, Notes slowly brings the
reader into the author’s psyche: What drives these diverse career choices that
ping-pong from mountaineering entrepreneurship to working with the
street-entrenched; from building an alternative healthcare practice to
eventually finding truth at the bottom of a Big Box?
From the carnival-style mirrors encountered
in working with the addicted and the mentally ill to the minute conversations
stolen over a cash register, this collection of stories and poems finds
compassion, laughter and even sorrow, as I share this most-human desire to be seen, heard and loved.
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